【同义词辨析】 2019-01-22 消灭crush-quash

crush: implies a force that destroys all opposition or brings an operation to a halt: a rebellion that was brutally ~ed.   halt两个意思,1.突然停止the bus screeched to a halt公共汽车嘎的一声突然停住,2.军事用语,如company, halt全连停止前进,这里用2) operation行动也是军事用语,如operation red sea红海行动)

quell: means to overwhelm completely and to reduce to submission, inactivity, or passivity: statements intended to ~ the fears of the people.  reduce用压倒性的力量特别是武力使屈服,如a city reduced by a month-long siege城市在被围困一个月后屈服subdue意思是用压倒性的力量使受控制the police subdued the unruly man警方制服了那个不服管教的人)

extinguish: suggests ending something as abruptly and completely as putting out a flame: hopes for a promising life ~ed by a single bullet.

suppress: implies a conscious determination to subdue: the government ~ed all opposition newspapers.  PRESS词根表示push压,和本组其它四个词比起来,suppress程度最轻,只是压制媒体等)

quash: implies a sudden and summary extinction: the army ~ed the rebellion. summary有两个意思,1. 梗概, 2. 立即,用于法律,如summary arrest立即逮捕,summary execution死刑立即执行,这里指立即消灭)

crush击溃粉碎: 指消灭一切反抗,将敌方行动终止,quell制服: 意思是使屈服静止被动,extinguish消灭: 形容消灭得突然彻底像扑灭火一样,suppress压制: 指决意使受控制(determination=resolution坚决),quash立即消灭: 指突然立即消灭

记忆方法: 1)首字母CQESQ分成两部分QQSEC,SEC是second秒的缩写,想成QQ秒杀<==消灭

         2)消灭的意思是毁灭或击败mean to bring to an end by destroying or defeating.